Learn Japanese from anime and Japanese drama.

Anisubber is a FREE software for Japanese learners to learn Japanese from anime and Japanese drama, it has built-in Japanese and Kanji dictionaries, as well as a Japanese morphological analysis engine to auto-generate Furigana.

All you have to do is to import your raw episode as well as the Japanese subtitles and then hit Play. You can also import translation subtitles to display them alongside the Japanese subtitles. The software then is going to process the Japanese subtitles and auto-generate Furigana, after that, you can click anywhere on the Japanese subtitles to get an instant definition.



Anisubber is a FREE software for Japanese learners to learn Japanese from anime and Japanese drama, it has built-in Japanese and Kanji dictionaries, as well as a Japanese morphological analysis engine to auto-generate Furigana.

All you have to do is to import your raw episode as well as the Japanese subtitles and then hit Play. You can also import translation subtitles to display them alongside the Japanese subtitles. The software then is going to process the Japanese subtitles and auto-generate Furigana, after that, you can click anywhere on the Japanese subtitles to get an instant definition.

The Japanese dictionary is available in many languages other than English such as German (133,000 entries), Russian (80,000), Hungarian (51,000), Spanish (39,000), Italian (38,000), Dutch (29,000), Swedish (16,000), French (15,000) and Slovenian (9,000), see more details JMDict.

Key Features



After you download Anisubber, run the setup application and follow the installation steps to install it in your Programs menu.

How To Use.

All you have to do after running Anisubber is import each file to its corresponding field by clicking on the three dots buttons (...) "Video file path" is for the raw episode file path. "Japanese subtitles path" is for the Japanese subtitles file path. "Translation subtitles path" is for the translation subtitles, it is optional and it can be in any language you prefer.

After you are done importing, hit play and wait for it to process the subtitles and that's it, your episode will start playing.

Now you can go around and click anywhere on any word on the subtitles to get instant definition. If you want to select by Kanji, you have to hold ALT and select any Kanji to get an instant definition of it.

You can also add any word or Kanji to your Favorites to review them later (Press F to open the favorites window).

And those are all the basic functions of Anisubber. You can play around with the settings to customize the subtitles or change the dictionary language etc...


The supported video file formats are: .mp4, .m4v, .asf, .avi, .dv, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .ogv, .vp8, .webm, .wmv
The supported video codec is H.264 (typically in a .mp4, .m4v, or .mov format).
The supported subtiles file formats are: .srt, .ass, .ssa, .dfxp, .ttml, .sub, .wsrt, .vtt


File Name File Size
Anisubber_1.0-beta.exe 186MB


Made with ❤️ by Med Ben Chrifa, if you have any questions or would like to report a bug, contact me on mohamed6aminbenchrifa@gmail.com or open an issue here.
The Japanese dictionary JMdict and the Kanji dictionary Kanjidic2.
KanjiVG for the Kanji stroke diagrams.
NMeCab for Japanese tokenization.
Doushi for inflection data.
Pronunciation audio files by Tofugu’s great kanji learning site WaniKani.

Made with ❤️ by Koussay Hamdi